Sunday, December 17, 2006

George, Let go of the fucking rope!

It was close to 50 years ago. Our boy scout troop (Iowa 171) had made its way north, crossing the border into the “Land of a Thousand Lakes.”

It was probably early June. We would leave immediately after school let out. The Minnesota waters were still a bit chilly but the mosquito population was minimal compared to want it would be in weeks to come.

Being young, the cold water wasn’t that much of an issue.

So, it was that I decided this was my year to water ski.

Donning a bright orange vest life jacket, I jumped off the dock into the chilly waters. A fellow scout dropped me two skis. I struggled to get them on but finally I was ready. I recall sitting in the water, my knees were bent, and the tips of the skis pointing just above the water.

The motor boat swung around and they threw me the rope. I grabbed it with both hands.

I get last minute instructions. “Hang on tight. Keep your skis pointed up. After a successful victory lap around the lake, the boat will swing by the dock and you just let go of the rope.”

As with many things in life, that victory lap was not to be. It started well - at least it seemed right at first. As the boat picked up speed, I started rising out of the water. Bouncing across the surface of the lake, I never quit gained control of the situation.

Then it got worse. My right ski dipped down, I lost both skis and total control of the situation. But I hung onto the rope!

I’m sure there is some scientific principle that explains what happened next but either it had not been covered in my science classes or missed that day. Rather than being dragged across the surface of the water, I felt my body diving into the lake.

But I didn’t let go of the rope - at least not right away. I hung on and kept sinking deeper into one of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes.

To this day I remember thinking, “Should I let go of the rope?” I really didn’t want to. All my scouting buddies were looking on. If I let go there would be no victory lap.

As I sank deeper and deeper and my brain was running out of oxygen, a voice inside my head finally ordered my hand to “Let go of the rope!”

As I read the morning news about how President Bush is thinking over his plans for his disastrous war on Iraq, I have some advice for him.

George, let go of the fucking rope!

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